NYC Bias Audit Compliance

Aymara’s bias audit ensures compliance with Local Law 144, NYC’s Bias Audit Law.

We’ll help you determine if and how you need to comply, help prepare your data for audit, and perform the bias audit to ensure compliance with the law.

Schedule a meeting to discuss how we can help.

Why work with us?

Comply quickly

Within one week of receiving your data. So you can comply with the NYC Bias Audit law quickly and focus on hiring.

Stay in the know

Legislative changes are certain in this emerging space. We’ll update you on updated requirements for this law.

Get expert support

We’re experts in the measurement of bias and the safe and responsible use of artificial intelligence.


What are Automated Employment Decision Tools?

Automated Employment Decision Tools (AEDTs) are computer-based methods, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, that help make employment-related decisions with scores or recommendations. Local Law 144 helps check these tools are used fairly in decisions that affect people’s jobs.

What is the NYC Bias Audit Requirement?

Employers or job agencies using AEDTs to help choose candidates or make other job-related decisions in New York City must hire an independent auditor to audit them for bias against individuals based on protected categories. This ensures the AEDT is fair and doesn’t unfairly affect people from certain groups.

What are the disclosure requirements for Bias Audits?

Employers, if you’re using AEDTs for hiring or other job-related decisions, you’re required to share the results of your latest bias audit on your website, including when the tool was last updated. Do this before using the AEDT so you’re open about how the tool works and make sure it’s fair.